Year of the Solar System


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Greetings and welcome,

Thank you for visiting our site, and thank you for your patronage. This website serves as a companion for the book titled The Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Heaven or Hell by Edward E. Bruessard.

At times, the book explores some controversial topics. It reaches some unpopular and unorthodox conclusions. The book examines life on Earth from both a scientific and an agnostic perspective. In contrast, most members of society view life on Earth from a religious perspective.

The Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens means the age of very wise human beings. The term Homo sapiens sapiens has its origins in science, and it means very wise human beings. According to the perspective of scientists (and historians), human history on Earth is chronicled as follows:

The book deliberately focuses on some of the worst aspects of human nature and human behavior. The point of the book is to inspire the peoples of the Earth to pick up the pieces of a bad situation and peacefully "Turn It Into Something Good", that is, something akin to an Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, or, to state it another way, something akin to Heaven on Earth. The "Vision" of the book is to encourage humans to transform Earth into a heavenly paradise.

Although the author has seen fit to criticize others throughout the book, he does not wish to see misfortune or harm befall anyone; it is not that way at all. On the contrary, the author seeks to unify the human race. The author seeks to assist humans in bringing an end to acts of animosity, violence, and murder that occur on Earth each day. The author is a genuine and unyielding proponent of peace, order, stability, civility, mutual respect, and goodwill among humans. When the author sees fit to criticize others in the book, the criticism is offered in a benevolent, ameliorative, and uplifting manner. The author good-naturedly is attempting to nudge humans off the path of the "Pastime Paradise". The author good-naturedly is attempting to point humans to the path that leads to a future paradise of health and wealth on Earth, that is, if humans have the will to cease the future paradise.

Throughout the book, the author encourages and implores humans to choose life over death. The author encourages and implores humans to choose life over extinction. The author encourages and implores humans to live united as a species. The author encourages and implores humans to "Keep Looking" until they reach the "Higher Ground", or until they reach and surpass the "Expansions" milestone of day-to-day life on Earth (without depending on God to come to their rescue). Humankind's attainment of these choices is the essence of "Destination Earth" within the broader context of a constantly unfolding and evolving "Pocket Universe". The author particularly encourages and implores the world's youths to make these choices because, ultimately, the Earth's future rests in their hands. Humans have reached a point in the natural history of Earth whereby they no longer can afford to continue with business as usual. A new mind-set towards one another, daily living, and all life forms on Earth urgently is needed.

By writing the book, the author merely is attempting to make a modest contribution towards making this Earth a garden of peace and prosperity not only for the benefit of humanity but also for the benefit of all living things. The author merely is attempting to make a modest contribution towards making this Earth a better planet on which to live, work, and play for humans from all walks of life (and, through writing the book, the author also wishes to make a little money while he pursues world peace, goodwill, and prosperity).

There is no escaping it. Regardless of what one tries to accomplish in life, someone else will be left feeling slighted, disgruntled, indignant, disappointed, angry, resentful, jealous, and so forth. Although, after reading the book, the author wishes for the reader to emerge a bit wiser and a better human being, the author realizes that some readers might feel offended by the contents of the book.

The reason for the discontentment of some with the book's contents is simple. While most humans are very receptive to the notion of humans living in peace, many bitterly disagree about how best to achieve world peace. For instance, on the one hand, some humans strongly insist that military might and mutually assured destruction are the only reliable tools to avoid nuclear annihilation. On the other hand, other humans strongly insist that nothing short of complete disarmament of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons by all nations is the only true safeguard against human extinction. While both groups of humans agree that destruction of the world is not a desirable outcome, sometimes they vehemently differ about how best to avoid world destruction and human extinction.

Similarly, while most humans agree that murder is wrong, sometimes they vehemently disagree about which tools to use to stop acts of murder. In an effort to put an end to acts of murder, some humans argue that the individual needs to be reformed while others argue that the society or culture needs to be reformed. Still others argue that firearm ownership is the best way to avoid becoming a victim of murder.

On a different level, some humans wonder why does an all-perfect, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God even permit the ongoing existence of human-inspired atrocities to occur on Earth in the first place such as the Holocaust, slavery, ethnic cleansing, torture, oppression, robbery, pillage, rape, war, murder, and so forth, not to mention the adverse forces of nature that usually contribute to even more human suffering and loss of life such as diseases, tornadoes, typhoons, dust storms, snow blizzards, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, avalanches, floods, droughts, soil erosion, meteor showers, exploding stars, colliding galaxies, exploding galaxies, and so forth. Suffice it to say that being God does not appear to be as easy as most people envision it as being. In response to the aforementioned human atrocities and adverse forces of nature, many people believe that all they need to do is pray to God for relief. The truth of the matter is this: These human atrocities and adverse forces of nature continue to occur across Earth unabated year after year despite the many, many prayers to God for intervention and help.

These philosophical kinds of thorny, sensitive, and uncomfortable topics are addressed in the book. These philosophical topics also are examined on both the "A Little Knowledge" and the "Guns and Bombs" pages of this website. For now, the point is this: Even someone with the best intentions cannot avoid offending those with a different perspective about how best to solve a problem.

If the book offends you in any shape, form, or fashion, then I offer my apologies to you right now. I apologize. I am sorry if I have offended you. The book is about uniting humans and saving lives, not dividing humans and taking lives.

A FINAL WARNING ABOUT THE BOOK: Portions of the book contain explicit language. The book also contains several hyperlinked references to some explicit songs and websites. These explicit materials are placed in context and are explained in the book. At times, the book addresses topics that are "adult" in nature. Portions of the book are not suitable for minors. The author strongly advises adult supervision of minors who read the book.


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Intellectual Property Disclosures: All videos and songs (as well as many of the images) referenced or spotlighted throughout this website are the legal and intellectual properties of others. All content and opinions on this website ( are those of the author (Edward Bruessard) exclusively and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the contributors, creators, owners, and distributors of these referenced videos, songs, and images. The author holds no legal interest or financial stake in any of these referenced videos, songs, and images. The contributors, creators, owners, and distributors of these referenced videos, songs, and images played no role at all regarding the appearance of said videos, songs, and images throughout this website; they had no clue that this website would be spotlighting their works.

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Book Commenced December 1979:


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