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Bruessard Literary Productions Presents New Interactive eBook Titled The Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Heaven or Hell
Will future life on Earth be characterized as Heaven, or will it be characterized as Hell? The author thinks the answer is Heaven.
Edward E. Bruessard, Author
San Francisco (Bay Area), California (USA)
August 13, 2011
Bruessard Literary Productions proudly announces the release of its new interactive eBook titled The Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Heaven or Hell by Edward Bruessard. Earth has longed for some excitement, and Edward Bruessard delivers. To be sure, the Earth is overdue for some excitement and enthusiasm. The author, too, bears good news. He is telling humans that Heaven on Earth is theirs to win or lose.
The author takes humans on a journey from Earth to the edge of the Universe and back. After traveling along and sharing the author's adventure, will the human species choose a destiny of Heaven or a destiny of Hell?
As humankind approaches the eve of 2012, the author is but one among 7 billion humans who has decided to step forward, speak out, and try to make a positive difference on this magnificent planet called Earth. He implores humans to choose a destiny of Heaven. "How Fast How Far" remains both the challenge and the unanswered question.
Having undertaken this personal "Space Opera", the author remains confident that humans will rise to the challenge. The author remains confident that, in time, humans will succeed in transforming Earth into some type of Heaven. For, as yet, Earth remains the only known habitable Home for human beings.
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Available Now: Second Edition of the Book Titled The Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Heaven or Hell
Edward E. Bruessard, Author
San Francisco (Bay Area), California (USA)
May 31, 2013
To commemorate the upcoming second anniversary of its book titled The Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Heaven or Hell, Bruessard Literary Productions proudly releases a second edition. An all-new Introduction and Conclusions have been added. The second edition is available at
Bruessard Literary Productions invites the reader to sit back, relax, and enjoy the read. Its book, The Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Heaven or Hell, covers it all--drugs, romance, sex, violence, guns, bombs, murder, crime, religion, personal finance, government politics, business economics, history, geography, science, philosophy, gender relations, race relations, international relations, love, hate, war, peace, space colonization, futurism, music, poetry, and so on. In the final analysis, clearly, the author is on a mission to reach into the sky, grab hold of Heaven, and put it right here on Earth.
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