There are many joys to life on Earth. On the "Celebrate Life" page of this website, a database is presented. The database lists over 28,000 interesting things to do and fun places to visit across Earth (usually for a modest entrance fee). The "Big Data" page of this website offers another database. The database on the "Big Data" page lists over 80,000 recreational and amusement parks across Earth to visit for enjoyment.
There are not too many joys on Earth, however, that can equal the joy of romantically falling in love with someone, or perhaps more accurately, the joy of a couple becoming simultaneously infatuated with one another. Falling in love is a beautiful thing. Consequently, this page pays homage to the love song as performed in a duet.
Over the decades, and since the advent of rock and roll music, many great crooners have come and gone. In the process, many great love songs have been recorded. One of the more memorable love songs that immediately comes to mind is the song titled "Love Ballad" by LTD (Love Togetherness Devotion).
There have been many great duets over the decades. A central feature of many duets is the love song. There have been male/male duets performing love songs such as Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney's performance of "The Girl Is Mine". There have been female/female duets performing love songs such as Brandy and Monica's performance of "The Boy Is Mine".
The male/female duet is one of my favorite kinds of duets with respect to the performance of a love song. Consequently, this page is devoted to showcasing some of the more memorable male/female duets in the performance of a love song. In selecting the duets on this page, it is not my intention to slight, overlook, or disfavor any of the numerous, fabulous, and touching love songs that have been recorded by numerous male/female duets over the years. Regarding the 22 duets below, instead of them being duets strictly between male and female vocalists, in some instances, the below-selected 22 duets consist of, say, a male solo instrumentalist partnered with a guest female vocalist on the recording.
For the most part, the following 22 songs/duets represent the passion phase of a relationship. The passion phase is the point in a relationship when the sparks are flying, the embers are hot, the fire is burning, feelings seemingly are racing out of control, and all of that good stuff. Enjoy [and remember to support your favorite recording artists].
- Click the left and right navigational arrows to manually preview videos; click the Buy button to purchase song.
- Click a thumbnail image to play its companion YouTube video, or click the Play button to watch video.
- Click the YouTube button to watch a larger-sized version of the video on YouTube.
[It should be noted that the songs and music videos cited throughout this website also are documented on the "Book Credits" and "Site Catalog" pages of this website. A "Buy" link exists on the "Book Credits" and "Site Catalog" pages where, for a nominal amount (usually around $2 or $3 USD as of 2025), you conveniently can purchase a song and add it to your music collection for lifetime enjoyment. In the process, you also would be showing your support for your favorite recording artists.]
In his poem titled "In Memoriam A.H.H." [Arthur Henry Hallam], it was the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson who penned the lines:
'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all
In other words, there is no need to be afraid of taking a chance on romantic love at least once in life. Even if you end up falling out of love, to paraphrase a famous quotation from Friedrich Nietzsche's book titled Twilight of the Idols, or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer: That which does not kill you can only make you stronger. That is to say, you might have a broken heart, say, if your mate fell out of love with you, but it certainly will not kill you. Life goes on, and love goes on. You live, learn, and hopefully grow wiser.
Does love truly conquer all? Based on global divorce rates, for some households, evidently, romantic love does not conquer all when it comes to sustaining a marriage. To use a railroad and train metaphor, why do some romantic relationships tend to run out of steam and sometimes come to a grinding halt (while other romantic relationships keep chugging along)? The answer, in part, is because couples cannot expect to thrive on passion alone. The other part of the answer is this: As time passes, the couple tends to drift apart, or one of them falls unacceptably short of the other's expectations when it comes to factors such as intimacy and fidelity; substance abuse and addiction; child-rearing practices; household income management; shared household responsibilities; tidiness and personal hygiene; communications and companionship; jealousy and trust; politics, etiquettes, religion; and so forth, that also come into play in the relationship. The following video suggests that there is a lot more to a committed, long-term relationship than raw passion.
Intellectual Property Disclosures: All videos and songs (as well as many of the images) referenced or spotlighted throughout this website are the legal and intellectual properties of others. All content and opinions on this website (bruessard.com) are those of the author (Edward Bruessard) exclusively and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the contributors, creators, owners, and distributors of these referenced videos, songs, and images. The author holds no legal interest or financial stake in any of these referenced videos, songs, and images. The contributors, creators, owners, and distributors of these referenced videos, songs, and images played no role at all regarding the appearance of said videos, songs, and images throughout this website; they had no clue that this website would be spotlighting their works.