The Internet has undergone numerous changes since its 1969 text-based inception. Perhaps no other segment of the Internet is symbolic of these changes than the World Wide Web, which is continually evolving. After the World Wide Web's 1989 inception, perhaps one of the biggest changes to occur on the World Wide Web was the development of a graphical browser to navigate it during the early 1990's.
The next major change to occur on the World Wide Web was its commercialization. Did you know that, according to VeriSign, symbolics.com was the first commercially registered website in the world (that is, with the .com designation)? The website symbolics.com was registered on March 15, 1985. The dotcom (.com) boom began with symbolics.com coupled with development of the graphical web browser, and as the saying goes, the rest is web history.
The commercialization of the World Wide Web can be viewed as the pre-eminent factor driving its rapid change today. This website (bruessard.com) was created in 2011. If this website had been created, say, in 2014, then all pages of the bruessard.com website probably would be patterned after this "Contempo Web" page, which is not to say that this entire website won't be redesigned at some point in the future. This page was designed to mimic the contemporary web (as of 2015).
In these contemporary times, as of 2015, the primary focal point of web processing has shifted from the server to the user's local computing device or client-side processing. Recent trends seem to indicate that most future web processing probably will migrate to the so-called cloud. HMTL5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX/JSON (to name a few), coupled with underlying (semantic) metadata, are the prevalent tools of the trade, so to speak, on the World Wide Web today (as of 2015). Future prospects on the horizon include cloud computing as illustrated by the web-in-transition image and Google Workspace video immediately below.
I will close this page by paying musical homage to the contemporary web. But, first, I wish to pay homage to the wonders of the world. The following bloc of videos offers a brief excursion into some of the world's greatest wonders.
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Perhaps the most overlooked—yet greatest—wonder of them all is none other than planet Earth itself including the miracle of life on Earth. The question remains: What will Earth's human caretakers do with this greatest wonder of them all? Will they pillage and plunder it, or will they nourish and cherish it?
In closing, the following songs are meant to reflect contemporarily on the way it is right now (as of 2015) on the World Wide Web. On the "California Living" page of this website, I gave you a little taste of California Love. On this page, I wish to give you a little taste of Computer Love. Are you ready for some Computer Love? Well, your wait is over. It's right here; check it out: