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A Celebration of Contemporary Democracy in Action - USA Presidential Election Day

2020 USA Presidential Election Redux: And The Winner Is…

The election prognosticators are called upon each election cycle to predict the outcome of the USA Presidential election. The 2020 USA Presidential election cycle was no exception. Perhaps two of the most well-known and influential USA Presidential election prognosticators are American University professor Allan Lichtman and Stony Brook University professor Helmut Norpoth. Allan Lichtman predicted a Joe Biden victory. Helmut Norpoth predicted a Donald Trump victory. As fate would have it, Joe Biden prevailed in the 2020 USA Presidential election. Thus, Allan Lichtman remains undefeated in his predictions, and he retains his belt as the undisputed USA Presidential election prophesying champion of the world.

How to Contact Your Elected Officials

Watch (Hacking Democracy Trailer)


Watch (Declaration of Independence)

president george washington

Watch (Gettysburg Address)

five former presidents and their wives attending president richard nixon's funeral (President and Mrs. Clinton, President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush, President and Mrs. Reagan, President and Mrs. Carter, President and Mrs. Ford)

Watch (The Articles of Confederation)

Watch (Why We Fight: War Comes to America)

Additional Links for America's Past:

  1. USA History
  2. The Presidents
  3. Historical Growth of USA Cities
  4. Historical USA Population Growth
  5. The Century, America's Time


usa welcome - people and places

Watch (How Do We Know About Our Nation Through the Decades)

usa welcome - business and industry

usa welcome - people and places

Watch (The US Census puts every American on the map)

usa welcome - family

Watch (C-Span: StudentCam First Prize Winner, Middle School)



Watch (Global Governance in a Changing World)

usa welcome - family life

Watch (Anthony David featuring Algebra, 4Evermore)

usa welcome - Americans at work

Watch (The New Roman Missal; Heaven and Hell)

1 of 7. Present-Day USA Public (Government) Sector Operations: Federal Deficit History Since 2000

Click here to view larger versions of the charts below.

usa deficit trends

usa democracy

2 of 7. Present-Day USA Public (Government) Sector Operations: Federal Debt History Since 2000

usa debt trends

Fiscal Year 2015: Schedule of Federal Debt
Debt Held by the Public Amount (in Billions) Percent Public Debt
Treasury bills marketable securties held by public investors 1,355,231 10.33%
Treasury notes marketable securties held by public investors 8,366,026 63.75%
Treasury bonds marketable securties held by public investors 1,688,208 12.86%
Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) marketable securties held by public investors 1,135,363 8.65%
Treasury floating rate notes (FRN) marketable securties held by public investors 287,039 2.19%
Domestic Series nonmarketable securities held by public investors 29,995 0.23%
Foreign Series Nonmarketable securities held by public investors 264 0.00%
State and Local Government Series Nonmarketable securities held by public investors 78,115 0.60%
United States Savings Securities nonmarketable securities held by public investors 172,826 1.32%
Government Account Series Nonmarketable securities held by public investors 9,138 0.07%
Other Nonmarketable securities held by public investors 1,642 0.01%
Total Treasury securities (public) 13,123,847 100.00%
Debt Held by Federal Government Accounts Amount Percent Intragovernmental Debt
Social Security Administration, Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund 2,766,649 55.18%
Office of Personnel Management, Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund 718,952 14.34%
Department of Defense, Military Retirement Fund 530,960 10.59%
Department of Defense, Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund 205,793 4.10%
Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Hospital Insurance Fund 195,458 3.90%
Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund 66,128 1.32%
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, The Deposit Insurance Fund 60,096 1.20%
Department of Energy, Nuclear Waste Disposal Fund 51,812 1.03%
Office of Personnel Management, Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund 45,237 0.90%
Department of Labor, Unemployment Trust Fund 44,368 0.88%
Office of Personnel Management, Employees Life Insurance Fund 43,958 0.88%
Social Security Administration, Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund 41,638 0.83%
Office of Personnel Management, Employees Health Benefits Fund 23,018 0.46%
Department of the Treasury, Exchange Stabilization Fund 20,773 0.41%
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Fund 18,492 0.37%
Department of State, Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund 18,144 0.36%
Department of Housing and Urban Development, FHA, Mutual Mortgage Insurance Capital Reserve Account 14,733 0.29%
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Guarantees of Mortgage-Backed Securities Capital Reserve Account 12,772 0.25%
Department of Transportation, Airport and Airway Trust Fund 12,716 0.25%
National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund 11,584 0.23%
All other programs and funds 110,680 2.21%
Total intragovernmental debt holdings 5,013,961 100.00%

Source: Note 11. Federal Debt Securities

Note: There is a slight and insignificant difference in the USA debt totals shown in the above table when compared to the totals depicted in the above debt chart. The difference between the two totals is attributable to the use of different data sources. Both sources conclude with a 2015 USA debt of $18.1 trillion.

Major Foreign Holders of U.S. Treasury Securities as of Year 2015
Country Amount Held as of Dec 2015 (in Billions) Percent
China, Mainland $1,246.1 20.27%
Japan $1,122.6 18.26%
Ireland $265.1 4.31%
Brazil $254.8 4.14%
Cayman Islands $248.4 4.04%
Switzerland $231.9 3.77%
United Kingdom $207.2 3.37%
Luxembourg $200.5 3.26%
Hong Kong $200.2 3.26%
Taiwan $178.7 2.91%
Belgium $121.7 1.98%
Saudi Arabia $119.1 1.94%
India $116.8 1.90%
Singapore $110.3 1.79%
Russia $92.1 1.50%
Germany $74.7 1.22%
Korea, South $74.6 1.21%
Canada $72.4 1.18%
Mexico $72.2 1.17%
United Arab Emirates $69.5 1.13%
Norway $69.1 1.12%
Turkey $64.6 1.05%
France $61.6 1.00%
Bermuda $59.8 0.97%
Netherlands $49.2 0.80%
Philippines $43.0 0.70%
Sweden $39.4 0.64%
Thailand $39.1 0.64%
Colombia $37.0 0.60%
Spain $36.2 0.59%
Italy $34.6 0.56%
Kuwait $31.7 0.52%
Australia $30.6 0.50%
Poland $30.2 0.49%
Chile $27.3 0.44%
Kazakhstan $22.6 0.37%
Denmark $21.1 0.34%
Israel $20.8 0.34%
Indonesia $20.6 0.34%
Oman $20.0 0.33%
Iraq $19.4 0.32%
Peru $12.5 0.20%
Vietnam $12.3 0.20%
South Africa $10.2 0.17%
All Other $256.3 4.17%
Grand Total (Trillions) $6,148.1 100.00%
Summary of Foreign Holders of USA Debt Amount Held as of Dec 2015 (in Billions) Percent
Treasury Bills $336.7 5.48%
T-Bonds & Notes $3,757.9 61.12%
Other $2,053.5 33.40%
Grand Total (Trillions) $6,148.1 100.00%

Source: Portfolio Holdings of U.S. and Foreign Securities

USA National Debt
Visit to learn more!

usa house of representatives

3 of 7. Present-Day USA Public (Government) Sector Operations: Fiscal Year 2015 (October 1 to September 30) Federal Receipts

federal receipts

white house

4 of 7. Present-Day USA Public (Government) Sector Operations: 2015 Federal Outlays

federal outlays/spending


usa supreme court

associate justice Elena Kagan investiture ceremony: from left to right: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (retired), Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Elena Kagan

Federal Civilian Employment by Branch and Agency: 2013 [As of September 2013. Excludes Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency; the Defense Intelligence Agency; and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency]
Branch 2013 (Number of Employees) Percent
Legislative Branch 28,672 1.05%
Judicial Branch 33,776 1.24%
Executive Branch 2,668,103 97.71%
Total USA Government Employment 2,730,551 100.00%

Source: Employment and Trends - September 2013

5 of 7. Present-Day USA Private (Business) Sector Operations: 2010 Employment

usa welcome - business and industry

Number of Firms, Number of Establishments, and Number Employed in the United States, All Industries (Private Sector Workforce Only): 2013
NAICS Code NAICS Description Number of Firms Number of Establishments Number Employed
11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 21,407 22,111 154,496
21 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 21,973 28,720 732,186
22 Utilities 5,909 18,004 638,575
23 Construction 646,433 658,483 5,470,181
31-33 Manufacturing 251,857 292,094 11,276,438
42 Wholesale Trade 312,540 419,648 5,908,763
44-45 Retail Trade 651,968 1,063,616 15,023,362
48-49 Transportation and Warehousing 169,741 215,547 4,287,236
51 Information 71,920 135,627 3,266,084
52 Finance and Insurance 234,839 472,242 6,063,761
53 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 276,497 357,533 1,972,105
54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 781,291 869,445 8,275,350
55 Management of Companies and Enterprises 26,667 52,909 3,098,762
56 Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services 329,221 393,354 10,185,297
61 Educational Services 86,483 98,104 3,513,469
62 Health Care and Social Assistance 646,773 843,603 18,598,711
71 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 116,955 126,952 2,112,000
72 Accommodation and Food Services 504,228 673,810 12,395,387
81 Other Services (except Public Administration) 671,816 734,406 5,282,688
99 Industries not classified 12,145 12,145 0
Total   5,840,663 7,488,353 118,254,851

Source: Statistics of U.S. Businesses

Number of Firms, Number of Establishments, Employment, and Annual Payroll by Enterprise Employment Size for the United States, All Industries: 2013

6 of 7. Present-Day USA Private (Business) Sector Operations: Unemployment Trends

usa welcome - business and industry

national unemployment rate, 2000 - 2015

USA Unemployment Trend: Public and Private Workforce
Year Total Employed Total Unemployed Percent Unemployed
2000 136,891,000 5,692,000 4.0%
2001 136,933,000 6,801,000 4.7%
2002 136,485,000 8,378,000 5.8%
2003 137,736,000 8,774,000 6.0%
2004 139,252,000 8,149,000 5.5%
2005 141,730,000 7,591,000 5.1%
2006 144,427,000 7,001,000 4.6%
2007 146,047,000 7,078,000 4.6%
2008 145,362,000 8,924,000 5.8%
2009 139,877,000 14,265,000 9.3%
2010 139,064,000 14,825,000 9.6%
2011 139,869,000 13,747,000 8.9%
2012 142,469,000 12,506,000 8.1%
2013 143,929,000 11,460,000 7.4%
2014 146,305,000 9,617,000 6.2%
2015 148,834,000 8,296,000 5.3%

Source: Employment Status of the Civilian Noninstitutional Population, 1945 to Date

See also: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data: (Seasonally Adjusted) Unemployment Rate

poverty levels

Number in Poverty and Poverty Rate: 2010 to 2014
Year Population Estimate Number of Residents Living in Poverty Poverty Rate
2000 278,944,450 31,581,090 11.32%
2001 281,474,940 32,906,510 11.69%
2002 285,317,350 34,569,950 12.12%
2003 287,699,180 35,861,170 12.46%
2004 290,616,540 37,039,800 12.75%
2005 293,134,550 36,949,570 12.60%
2006 296,449,870 36,459,670 12.30%
2007 298,698,990 37,275,580 12.48%
2008 301,041,180 39,828,860 13.23%
2009 303,819,660 43,568,970 14.34%
2010 306,130,290 46,343,170 15.14%
2011 308,456,000 46,247,100 14.99%
2012 310,648,000 46,496,000 14.97%
2013 313,096,000 46,269,000 14.78%
2014 315,804,000 46,657,000 14.77%

Source: Number in Poverty and Poverty Rate: 2010 to 2014

Definitions of Poverty in the USA as of 2014
Household Unit Total Household Income Earned Per Year
One person household earning less than $12,071
Two-person household earning less than $15,379
Three-person household earning less than $18,850
Four-person household earning less than $24,230
Five-person household earning less than $28,695
Six-person household earning less than $32,473
Seven-person household earning less than $36,927
Eight-person household earning less than $40,968
Nine-person household earning less than $49,021

Source: Poverty Thresholds

Watch (I.O.U.S.A.: Byte-Sized - The 30 Minute Version)

usa welcome - business and industry

7 of 7. Present-Day USA Consumer Sector: Individual, Family, and Household Operations

consumer price index - urban residents

usa welcome - consumption

median income



Despite its present-day fiscal and budgetary challenges, despite its present-day challenges with substance abuse, despite its present-day challenges with political bickering, and despite its present-day challenges with gunplay, the USA remains a land of opportunity and freedom. The USA remains a place where Slumdog Millionaire kinds of dreams really do come true.

Watch (Slumdog Millionaire Trailer)

This page is titled "USA Welcome". I should qualify the title by stating that the "USA Welcome" phrase seems only to apply to legal visitors and legal immigrants. The USA does not appear to be quite as welcoming of the downtrodden who enter the country illegally. For some USA residents, the words "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" (Emma Lazarus) seem not to apply to illegal immigrants.

Additional Links for America's Present:

  1. USA Right Now - Live statistics on the USA
  2. Inside America's Economic Machine
  3. 2010 USA Population Details
  4. Historical Statistics
  5. Careers in Politics
  6. Careers in the Federal Government
  7. Federal Budget 101 - National Priorities Project
  8. Eliminating the Federal Debt - Plan 1
  9. Eliminating the Federal Debt - Plan 2
  10. Eliminating the Federal Debt - Plans 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
  11. Eliminating the Federal Debt - Plan 9
  12. USA Debt Clock
  13. USA Consumer Income Trends
  14. USA Consumer Expenditure Trends
  15. USA Consumer and Nonprofit Organization Balance Sheet Trends
  16. It's Your Money! Personal Finance, Debt, and Budgeting Steps and Spreadsheets
  17. US Census: 1940 vs. 2010 (Infographic) | US Diversity & Population Changes | LiveScience
  18. Economagic: Economic Time Series Page
  19.'s Public Dashboards - Providing Insight Into Today's Biggest Issues
  20. Drug & Alcohol Abuse: Why Do People Use Drugs and Alcohol?
  21. Drug Abuse...The American Disease
  22. Causes, Treatment & Prevention of Drug Abuse
  23. Adherence to Healthy Lifestyle Habits in US Adults, 1988-2006
  24. Don't Fall into These Bad Habits
  25. Why Do Young People Murder?
  26. Youth Violence in Schools
  27. 2010's Indicators of School Crime and Safety
  28. How to Eliminate Bad Habits
  29. Welcome to the United States!


Watch (galaxyhunter, Space Ship One)

Watch (Overview of Office 365 and SharePoint Online)

future work: trends and challenges for the 21st century

Watch (Virgin Oceanic Sub Teaser Trailer)

Watch (Google Apps for Business)

census bureau headquarters (a model of open government)

Watch (Imagine the Possibilities)

Watch (An Introduction to IBM's Smarter Planet)

Watch (Mission Highlights: SpaceX's Dragon Makes History)

Watch (MindManager – Powerful Visualization Tools and Mind Mapping Software)

Watch (SMART Table 442i collaborative Learning Center)

Watch (Watch this before using generative AI)

Additional Links for America's Future:

  1. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Occupations: High-tech Jobs for a High-tech Economy
  2. Going Green: Environmental Jobs for Scientists and Engineers
  3. Projections of Education Statistics to 2030
  4. Career Guide to Industries Index
  5. Occupational Outlook Handbook Index
  6. College Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics


The Black Eyed Peas - "Boom Boom Pow"

Ready For The World - "Digital Display"

LMFAO - "La La La"

Beyonce - "Sweet Dreams"

Far East Movement - "Rocketeer"

Christina Aguilera - "Bionic"

Usher - "OMG" featuring Justin Bieber - "#thatPOWER"

Selena Gomez - "Come & Get It"

Missy Elliott & Da Brat - "Sock It 2 Me"

DEV - "In The Dark"

Black Eyed Peas - "Imma Be Rocking That Body"


Watch (Michael Jackson, Remember The Time)


Watch (Vangelis, Sauvage Et Beau)

Watch (Vangelis, Theme for Antarctica Movie 1983)


Watch (Stevie Wonder, The Secret Life Of Plants)


Watch (The World in 2050 - Future Study Presented by Frank Appel)

Watch (Life In The Future Year 6000 and Beyond)

Click here to view larger versions of the above charts.

For more information about the above photos (and not the above videos), see also:

  1. USA Census Bureau's Media Gallery
  2. The Executive Branch
  3. The Legislative Branch
  4. The Judicial Branch
  5. Photo Gallery
  6. Steve Petteway, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States



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Book Commenced December 1979:


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